A Message From the Nominee

Our Lady of Lourdes has shown me how to work hard, thus preparing me not only for college but for the future. Lourdes has also helped me to discern the path I am taking, which is the priesthood, and has led me into seminary for further discerning that call. The Catholic education at Our Lady of Lourdes is incomparable to that of other schools because they not only teach baseline Catholicism, but the philosophical and theological foundations of it as well. My knowledge of Catholicism in this way was done especially by my religion teachers, who are the best I have ever had (coming from someone who has gone to Catholic School all his life) and from members of the administration as well, modeling these very Catholic values that they teach.

I am glad I attended Lourdes because it helped me to discern what I am doing for college and for my future as a whole.

College Attending

Seton Hall University

College Acceptances

Seton Hall University, Saint John’s University, Catholic University, Fordham University

Planned Field of Study/Future Aspirations

Major: Catholic Theology

I am entering seminary to discern priesthood.

AP & College-Level Courses Completed

AP: US History

College: Psychology, Criminal Justice, English, Pre- Calculus, Biology, Business Foundations, Government

Extracurricular Activities

1. Captain of the Our Lady of Lourdes Varsity Fencing Team

2. Our Lady of Lourdes Varsity Baseball

3. Co- President of the Our Lady of Lourdes Respect- Life Club

4. Saint Martin de Porres Youth Group

5. Cathedral Prep weekend retreat

6. Hope on a Mission

7. Assistant- catechist for Religious Education at Saint Martin de Porres

8. Head altar server at Saint Martin de Porres

9. Lector at Saint Martin de Porres

10. Serving at the Lunchbox homeless shelter

11. Donate annual Christmas gift bags for Mid- Hudson Regional Hospital’s Children’s Ward

12. Part of the “Catholic Youth Leaders of the Archdiocese”