Our Lady of Lourdes

HIGH SCHOOL, Poughkeepsie, NY

“Come follow me”
Is Jesus calling you to follow Him?


One of the most important decisions in our lives is to discover God’s plan for us and whether Jesus may be calling us to serve Him in the priesthood , diaconate or religious life. For a vast majority of Christians, God will call us to serve him in married life. All of these vocations will lead us closer to Christ and build a civilization of love.
Below are a few helpful links to help discern and learn more about the many ministries and vocations in the Church whether it is the priesthood, religious sisters and brothers, monastic communities, diaconate and communities of apostolic life.

Information about Parish Priesthood (www.nypriest.com)

A Guide to Religious Ministries for Catholic Men and Women (www.religiousministries.com)

Diaconate Formation Program (www.archny.org/diaconate-formation-program

St. Vincent’s Archabbey Benedictine Monks (st.vincentmonks.com)

Abbey of Regina Laudis Benedictine Nuns (abbeyofreginalaudis.org)

The Vocation of Married Life  - (foryourmarriage.org)

Free vocational information is available in the Chaplain’s office. Stop by anytime.