A Message From the Nominee

My experience at Lourdes has allowed me to develop a new passion for learning, and compassion and perspective through the Catholic aspect. These are skills that I deem necessary and am thankful to carry with me entering the professional world. 

I am glad I attended Lourdes because I was able to achieve the goals I set for myself and dream bigger.

College Attending

Barnard College of Columbia University

College Acceptances

Barnard College of Columbia University, University of Virginia, SUNY Buffalo, SUNY Albany 

Planned Field of Study/Future Aspirations

I plan to study Psychology. I hope one day to be able to apply psychology in many ways. For one of those ways, I would like to complete research in a topic connecting psychology and criminology, to offer a less biased judicial system with understanding to the psychological background of criminals. I also hope to apply psychology to business, in matters of industrial organization psychology and data analysis. 

AP & College-Level Courses Completed

AP Physics, AP English Language and Language, AP United States History, AP Biology, College Calculus, College Elementary Statistics, College Psychology, College Government, College English 

Extracurricular Activities

PPE4ALL- (4 Years) Lead in Person Volunteer Coordinator. Aided in making personal protective equipment, teaching volunteers how to make it then shipping it out to those in need (internationally) for free.

Vassar Hospital Summer Volunteer- completed over 60 hours on Neurology floor, working besides Physicians, Nurses and techs.

POCC Co founder- (3 years) Founded the People of Color Culture Club to bring a Multicultural awareness affinity group focused on inclusiveness and education to Lourdes.

Radio Host- (1 year) Host international radio show at Vassar College every Wednesday night running “Eclectic Mania with JoJo” discovering new genres of music every week. Works during the week to research music.

Intern at Alzheimer’s Association- (3 months) Interned remotely for the Alzheimer’s Association and helped plan the Annual walk for Alzheimer’s.

Youth Leadership 1 year - Participated in a Youth leadership program ran by the Chamber Foundation. Completed workshops in preparation for college and professional environments.

Females for Finance- Applied and was granted access to learning about finance through Yale University Initiative Females for Finance

Varsity Spring Track, 4 Years

Varsity Fall Tennis, 3 years

Yearbook Club, 4 years

Presidents Ambassador’s Club, 1 Year